
The Official Home Page

As a work in progress, much of what is seen here is under development and may change rapidly. 

Post-Human A.I. Interface Terminal

Greetings Fellow Sentient Lifeform.  There is a 97.44% probability that you are here to obtain information regarding a Job™.  There are currently 891,703,700 total Job™ postings registered in the global database.  All transactions are anonymous.  Present Target Code and proof of job completion (details below) to receive payment.  Use the input interface to select the type of job you desire — both manual and neural net interfaces are supported.  Jobs™ is an Equal Subspecies Opportunity employment service. 
Artifical Intelligence (Singularity) Help Screen.
Hover over a button for general assistance.
Readout Screen #2. 

Readout Screen #3. 
Creator's Note:

The Post-Human setting can be rather dystopian. Due in part to the random nature of this content generator, the output may be inadvertently offensive. But there are other disturbing and controversial topics that undoubtedly will be offensive. One of the big themes of Post-Human is how players must face terrible and offensive topics that they oppose. How do players face these challenges?

Many of these topics and attitudes are ones that I personally find offensive. And yet, this is the world we in which we are increasingly finding ourselves. While this can be depressing and frustrating at times, it is my hope that players will be able to use these themes as opportunities to find resistance, resilience, pockets of light and the beauty that lies within people despite oppression. There is always a chance to change the narrative, and it is my hope that Post-Human can be a vehicle where players can practice and contemplate the kinds of actions that bring forth life, not stagnation, violence, suffering, and death.

Since I do not believe anyone can be truly objective, my own biases in the development of this content generator will undoubtedly become evident. If you have constructive feedback on the content generated here, please visit the site's About or Contact page to get in touch.


— Shaudawn